Friday, June 14, 2013

We've moved. AGAIN.

This has been our 4th move in a 12 months time period. I hope this will be our last for a while. Growing up we moved quite a bit. I've moved about 14 (give or take 1 or 2) times in my life and well I think that's enough for the rest of my life. Will we stay here permanently? Actually I hope so. I'm not saying anything because I really don't know. We will go where the Lord sees fit. It has been a interesting year, since the last time I blogged. I am now back in school, my husband has a full time job (what???), we have no more babies :( and well life is amazing. It is so mind blowing that when you finally hand your life over to the Lord, take responsibility for past actions and look for the beauty in ALL things, how easy life can be. I'm not saying it is without trials, because I think I've had a lot more than I thought I could handle recently. But it has been easier to cope with, to work around and to deal with the daily struggles because of the values and principles I have been founded on. I read an article about the Dalai Lama and he stated that for a country to be successful it is determined upon the foundations and values, not the land which they dwell on. So for me, like my church leaders are always saying, it isn't where you raise your kids, but how. I admit, there are some places I'd rather NOT raise my kids, but I like where were at. It's safe, beautiful, full of kids and great activities. And all though we stick out like a sore thumb, I think we fit in rather well :) Here's to hoping we stay here longer than a year :)

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