Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lehi Roundup

Living in Hawaii, every end of June I always ask everyone, "isn't there a holiday around this time before the 4th of July??!" And every year they always have to remind me, only in Utah. Well luckily this year, we ARE in Utah!! And even better, we are in Lehi!! Lehi has what they call the Lehi Roundup Days. They celebrate the whole week with different activities each day and the last day the have a parade. (Well they have more than one, but the last one is the BIG one!)

Anyways, our ward had the chance to be in the parade and my oldest was able to join and be a part of it! He was only in the mini parade Friday night but that seemed to be enough for him cuz he burned out a third of the way through and passed out on the float. (That is how you KNOW he is MY child.) I was panicking afterwards cuz I could not find him but finally a sister in the ward told me where he was. Poor ting was out like a light. But he did say he had tons of fun and enjoyed it!

Although the next day he wanted to watch the parade instead of being in it. I was babysitting my niece and they were all troopers. They were practically running to get there and when we did they were dancing and jumping up and down like it was not 98degrees outside and we were not in the sun. Oka I was getting hot just watching them! They just absolutely enjoyed themselves and I really hope we are here long enough to enjoy this many more times!!

                       The finish product with mommy :) He was so proud. Lol.
                       Here he is on the float. They were the "baby" butterflies!
  Yay!! Here's our ward in the float! Little man was on the other side tho. But he was so proud of himself for doing it. Even though he passed out a little after he passed us. Stayed up long enough to see mommy ;)

After they had a carnival like thing at the park. Like family activities with bouncy houses, animals, food and a stage with performances. The kids wanted to ride the horses/ponies so this is Na'a riding hers! They all just loved it. I wish I took more pictures but my camera is small kine blurry in the front so this was all I got. Thank you Lehi for a great Pioneer Day celebration! It was so much fun!!

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