Monday, May 28, 2012

I'm finally listening

I'd like to share an interesting experience I had a week ago. For the past few months, probably since March, Josh has been asking me to quit my jobs. Now if you know me, you'd know that I love my jobs. I love working at the PCC. It has been a wonderful experience and I was so saddened to put in my 2 weeks a few weeks ago. Today was my last day and although I will be around here I will still miss dancing on the canoes every day.

Two Thursdays ago, I had gone to the temple. Josh had been on my case all week about quitting my gas station job. The Saturday before I had agreed to work 2 extra days including the Saturday I was already scheduled for. Going the temple I asked for guidance. I asked to know whether or not I should quit. I wanted a absolute yes or no. I knew it would be a test of faith and I challenged my God saying "Lord help my faith". If I am supposed to quit let Joshua know and I will quit. I got my answer all right.

The Tuesday before I had trained a new worker. A young man came in asking if we were hiring. I told him I wasn't sure but that we might be because a few people had just quit and I was planning on quitting also. In my mind I thought, I will regret this. I wasn't sure why I had said it or what would happen next but I got my answer on Friday. I was scheduled to work and train the same lady but when I went in another girl was there and she said she would be working. I called our manager and she said that the girl was working and that I could go home. I was ESTATIC! I didn't want to miss a Friday with my family so off we went.

A few minutes later standing in the Foodland line waiting to pay for my groceries I noticed a letter in my pay. I had been "released". My prayers were answered. I was fired. Humbled, humiliated and a bit embarrassed I shared the story with my husband and he simply just laughed. He was right, and I had been wrong. I am thankful for this simple but amazing experience and I hope that I will continue in listening to the promptings of the spirit and the guidance of my priesthood worthy husband. It has taken me a few years to understand and "listen" to the "still small voice". And I hope to NEVER challenge my God to help my faith like that again. He is always listening and forever guiding. Now I know and I will not forget.  

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