Wednesday, May 2, 2012


April 21, 2012 was the day that eternity began for our little family. I feel so privileged and honored to be part of the gospel and of Christ's true church. I cannot express my love and gratitude enough of the Savior. It was so wonderful to be able to seal myself and our little family to Josh. Small and private as it may have been, it was absolutely PERFECT. The presence was just amazing. My babies looked so beautiful in their white attire and they were just so wonderful. Baby Melena'a was sleeping, Gabriel and Gissela were both so good. It felt like everything just worked out perfectly!

We began with a morning session. We tried to do initiatory but they were so busy! I was able to do one name with Olga but Joshua and Jon weren't able to. When we got to the session my uncle joined us. Because my dad wasn't able to make it, I was so grateful that he was able to be there to represent him. After the session we had to wait a while for our kids and for our room and I was just so anxious the whole time! I had almost fallen asleep during the session because we hardly got any sleep the night before, but as time got closer I couldn't seem to sit still! I was just too excited!!

Our sealer was amazing. He explained the whole purpose of all the ordinances and never has it been so well explained and I now understand the meaning of all of them. He gave us such great advice. My favorite being, "Now the temple does not mean there will be no trials, it almost guarantees it. But it does provide the necessary protection, guidance and help that you will  need to be able to face them." And also, "this does end at just you (pointing to me) being sealed to him (pointing to Josh). It also seals you to Him (pointing up). It is a 3 part marriage." It gave me great comfort to know that regardless of the things Joshua and I will face, if we are faithful and keeping the sacred covenants we made, we will be guided and protected along the way. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and for the opportunity to seal our family to Him. I'm a blessed beyond measure and I know that the only way to thank Him will be through my faithfulness. I hope that the day that I return I will be able to stand before Him blameless and unspotted from the world. Thank you to all those who joined us on our special day and for those who couldn't make it, we still love you all :)

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