Monday, April 9, 2012

Catch up.

So over the past year or so, a few things have happened.

1. We are now on the beautiful island of OAHU. I previously just wanted to come to have our 3rd child here with my family. Being away from them for so long I just wanted to come home and be with them for this baby. Josh was a bit stubborn about it, but it all worked out and we were supposed to just be here for the summer. Evidently, Josh has fallen in love with HI<3 and I think we will be here a little longer than I'd planned. It went from the summer, to just Christmas, to just graduation and now I'm not sure if we'll ever leave. We'll see though. For now I'll just enjoy the HILife and be happy with the sun :)

2. Baby number 3!!! We were blessed with a beautiful baby girl on June 13, 2011. Melena'a Vileti Kawailani Mana Gwyneth Garcia. She was 8lbs something oz I don't even remember and 20 inches. She is absolutely WONDERFUL and I just can't get enough of her. She reminds me so much of her siblings and sad enough I wish that I was "normal" when I had them so I could have enjoyed them as much as I enjoy her. She brings so much happiness to our family and to everyone else that meets her. She really is the happiest baby in the world and I just love it!! Now we have 3 beautiful children. Gabriel, who turned 3 in December; Gissela, who just turned 2 last week; and Mana, who is now almost 10 months old! They grow up so fast...

3. Lastly, Josh and I have just got our endowments and we will be getting sealed in the next few weeks :) We've come a LOOOOOOOOOONG way, and it sure was pretty rough. I'll probably blog about our trials and problems we faced a little later on but I am just grateful that we have been blessed with these amazing opportunities.

I think those are the most important events that have recently happened, life has had it's ups and downs but we've been able to weather the storm and pray that we will continue on in faith! I  have been so blessed and I'm just so happy to be here at this time. I'll be sure to keep updating regularly unlike before. All in all, life is beautiful.


  1. Wow Lala! Congrats to you and josh! That's super exciting and that's awesome that your little family will be sealed soon! :) glad to read your updates! I'll be following u now! :) congrats once again!! :)

    1. Thanks lani :) We'll be getting sealed in utah so maybe we'll see you there ;)
