Friday, August 30, 2013


I have been really nervous about posting this. Not because it's controversial or anything, merely because I don't want people to think I'm an MLM crazy person. (I'm just a normal crazy person.) doTERRA is a Network Marketing company. It is also an Essential Oil company. It is also a Utah company. (Where I swear half of the MLM's start.) With that said, if you're too afraid I'm going to give you a pitch about why doTERRA is the best, or why you should sign up, or yaddah yaddah yaddah, then I DARE YOU to READ ON.

We were introduced to doTERRA a couple of times. A sweet, darling good friend of mine (ILY Nini) gave me some while I was pregnant with my son, our oldest. I took some, didn't think much about it and never thought about it again. The second time my step mother-in-law gave us some for a sore throat/cold. The third time I went to a class because there was going to be smoothies. (I know, I'm so fat.) That's when I saw the benefit. I learned about the cabinet makeover class and I decided to sign up. Here's why:

If you know me and my little family, you know my husband is a health enthusiast. I've blogged about it and vented a lot. I've watched a lot of videos that I didn't appreciate (Super size me, Forks over Knives, Food Inc, etc). I've watched my husband agonize over being sick but not wanting to take medicine. We've fought over what products to give our kids, if he can try his "home remedies" or if I could just give them a tsp of Tylenol, and it's just been a roller coaster of a marriage. Just because we couldn't figure out a way to take care of our own kids. (We would seriously sit there and argue about what to give our kids. It got to the point where Josh would try to give them something and I'd make him stop, or vice versa. We probably looked like crazy people to our kids.)Then doTERRA came into our lives.

After I learned about the benefits I told my husband. He wasn't all in,but we decided to give it a try. Now we have no over-the-counter medicine in our home. If we do it's old stuff from my husbands grandma that we haven't thrown away. If you have a cut, we put Lavender and Melaluca (Tea Tree oil) on it. If you have a fever, we give you Peppermint and Breathe along with some Lavender to relax. If you feel like throwing up, we'll give you some Digestzen and Ginger or Peppermint to help the nausea. And we don't argue about what to give our kids. We don't try one thing then try another hoping that one or the other works. Half the time we don't even take our kids to the hospital (unless it's a gash in the head) because we know we can take care of them at home. doTERRA is all natural essential oils, and I mean PURE essential oil. Not only is it 100% all oil with no fillers, but each oil comes from their natural habitat. (ie: Eucalyptus from Australia) We know what we're giving our kids, we know it works and we know we're all happy and healthy!

The point is, we have found something that works for ALL OF US. Josh is happy I'm not using over-the-counter medicine, I'm happy I can do something that is simple, quick, easy and not disgusting (ginger juiced is not yummy) and our kids can feel happy, healthy and to just be a kid. We love doTERRA and will keep using it until there's absolutely none left. It's a natural way to help your body heal itself. It isn't voodoo, creepy, witchcraft, it's simply taking what the world produces naturally and using it in the way it was intended to be used. I love it because I can take care of my own health and not have to worry about prescriptions, doctor visits, medicines expiring or being recalled. I can be my kids doctor. Of course we do other things, like the Emotion Code, the Body Code, and I obviously still see the doctor when necessary, but doTERRA has really relieved our family of arguments, tension, medicine and colds.

We have used other oils before and it's just not the same. Just smelling them you can tell the difference. I'm not a health enthusiast like my husband. I'm not an apothecary. I'm not a doctor. I'm not even the best mom in the world. (Shocker, I know.) But I am a young mother who has found a way to make her husband happy, kids happy, all of them healthy and feeling great. I'm not sure about you, but I'm pretty sure that's worth finding a great product. And what kind of a friend would I be without sharing it???? I'm not out to make money (I wish, then I'd be rich and could just give it to all of you!) and I'm not out to look for "sign ups". I've just found something amazing and couldn't help but SHARE. Try it. If you know someone who does doTERRA, ask for a sample. Heck, I'LL GIVE YOU ONE. They are THAT AMAZING.

But don't take my word for it. Don't take anything I say seriously. Go find out for yourself. Go learn about oils. Go learn about alternative healing. Go learn about doTERRA. Just get out there and give it a try. It'll be worth your time. I promise.

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