Monday, September 30, 2013

General Relief Society Meeting

There is something beautiful about being in the Conference Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's massive beauty, the sacred presence and the overwhelming feeling of the Spirit can be felt by all. Being able to attend the General Relief Society Meeting was an experience I will not forget. I have been in the Conference Center many times before. For the Presidency's Christmas Devotional, multiple stake conferences, the General Young Women Meeting and for various tours with family members. I have always walked in with reverence, feeling overwhelmed by the size, beauty and spirit present but this time was a little different. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I am older with better understanding I have become more sensitive to spiritual things. Whatever it is, I am deeply grateful to have been there with my sweet mother-in-law and good friend visiting from Mexico.
Aushra, Olga, myself at the Conference Center
The meeting itself seemed to go by too quickly. We were there just 15 minutes before 6pm and with all the women around us, I am not sure how they got us all in within such a short period of time to start the meeting. I was sure we were going to walk in late but sure enough we got into our seats a few minutes before the meeting began. From then on it seemed like a blur of beautiful messages and wonderful music. Each song penetrated my soul as I realized they were picked by the Lord Himself to convey a message to each soul present. The speakers spoke of sacred covenants, the love of our Father in Heaven and Savior and ended with loving words from our beloved prophet. As I spoke with my mother-in-law and good friend afterwards I realized we all had received messages according to our particular trials. I love that when the speaker is filled with the spirit of the Lord, the Spirit itself is able to teach each soul their separate lessons they needed to learn.

The message that stood out to me, that I absolutely needed to hear came from our sweet beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson. With his large frame it is hard to see that such a sweet, caring, sensitive soul resides in that body. I never realized how tall he was until I saw him stand in front of the pulpit. I was sure he was bending a little bit to reach the microphone. Regardless, his message was sweet and simple. You are a beloved daughter of God, who loves and remembers you. You are needed in this world, "you are the light of the world", a message I know each and everyone of us listening has felt the need to hear. It's hard to feel important, loved, needed and cared for in a world that teaches you about physical "beauty" and worldly "perfection". Perfection in everything. Yet to know our best is what our family, our loved ones, those whom we serve and associate with, is what they need.

Another quote that touched me to the very core was one I have been struggling with all my life. I am a bit stubborn and hard headed. My mom has always reminded me that I was the child that needed to learn on my own. I could never take anyone's word, I had to find out for myself. Even if it meant getting hurt and making choices that weren't exactly the brightest. I am not a perfectionist but I do like to plan things out. I had a plan for my life and when it didn't go my way, I struggled. And as most times, nothing goes my way. I struggle a lot with trusting in the Lord, with accepting His will. "Whose will is wiser than my own" will be a message I will probably print, paint, embed, mark everywhere in my house and hopefully in my heart. These past couple of years have not been easy. But they have taught me that He is the Master Planner, the Great Designer and He knows me, my life, my needs, my struggles, my strengths better than I do. Hearing those words made me realize how little faith I really have. I believe in my Savior, I believe He loves me, but I still try to do things my way. Until I can learn that "His will is wiser than my own", I will probably keep struggling through this life.

I bare testimony of this gospel. This is His church and we are His servants on earth. I bare witness that Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet of these latter-days. Joseph Smith saw the Father and our Savior. He translated the Book of Mormon and I am forever grateful for his faith and trust in the Lord. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I have asked and felt for myself that it's words are the words of prophets of old and Christ Himself. I am grateful for the organization of the Relief Society. I love all my sisters in Zion and pray that each will be able to hear these messages meant for each and everyone of them at this time. I know there is a God and He is my loving Father in heaven. Jesus Christ is His Son, who sacrificed and suffered for all mankind. He knows you, He loves you and He wants you to return to Him. I urge you to ask for yourself, don't take my word for it, pray and ask in His name if these things are true. I know that the Spirit speaks all truth and if you are willing to hear it, He will tell you the truth of all things.

To learn more about the Mormon/LDS church visit and here is the link to the General Relief Society Meeting. You can read or listen to it. This coming Saturday October5th and Sunday October 6th will be the General Conference where we listen to various leaders of our church. Tune in to listen at 10am and 2pm Mountain Time Zone.

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